Tag: white bread

Pulled Turkey on white

Pulled Turkey on white

What to do with those leftovers… The turkey is so moist that it’s practically falling apart in delicious crumbles. Keep pulling. Pull your way through until you have a pile to throw in the frying pan. Add some oil to brown up the delicious reminder 

Salami and Cheese on white

Salami and Cheese on white

Salami and cheese on white… It rocks. Too easy? You’re right. The spicy salami is muted by the tame provolone and plain white bread. It’s a balance of spice that will keep your mouth in check. You might not want to use such a high-sodium 

Ham and Apple on white

Ham and Apple on white

Salty ham can be quite delicious, but sometimes just a bit too much. If you pair it with the juicy sweetness of a Granny Smith apple, then you might be able to tip the scales in your favor. White bread is a fine way to 

Potato Chip on white

Potato Chip on white

While certainly not them most creative cuisine we’ve featured, this simple delight is made of potato chips and a bit more tang with a dash of ketchup. White bread will be the only type that’s stripped of any flavors to distract you from the crisp 

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

The end of May marks the end of our second year online! Keep visiting, and don’t hesitate to submit a portrait of your own. The more contributions, the less work for us. Thanks for all the support.

Baked beans on white

Baked beans on white

You can’t get closer to true than having a baked bean sandwich in an old rail yard. Hopping from train to train makes it hard to keep fresh food around. Maybe that stale bread isn’t so stale yet. That can of baked beans doesn’t have 

Peppercorn Turkey on white

Peppercorn Turkey on white

As part of Dietz & Watson’s Healthier Lifestyle line, smoked peppercorn turkey breast is a spicy complement to a healthy lunch during your work day. It’s balanced by the crispy romaine-based salad you brought, too. It’s pink hue comes from its preparation, smoked with the flavors 

Fried Bologna & Cheese on white

Fried Bologna & Cheese on white

The familiar flavor of bologna hits your taste buds. And yet, it’s different this time. It’s warm, crispy on the edges. There’s cheese in the mix, too. There’s no confusion: we’re not aiming for health. But the lighting in this place isn’t the only thing 

Tomato on white

Tomato on white

For the casual eater, tomato sandwiches must be constructed in a certain way. Toast the bread. You’ll like how the crunchy dryness combines with the juicy tomato. And if tomato isn’t exciting for you, though tomatoes can be quite an amazing component to many dishes, 

Grilled Mozzarella Cheese on white

Grilled Mozzarella Cheese on white

To celebrate January as National Soup Month, heat up some butternut squash bisque and cook up a grilled cheese. A stringy cheese sandwich may be a delightful companion to a bowl of creamy soup. A complete meal that will warm you as the winter months