Tag: american cheese

Gerber sandwich

Gerber sandwich

Maybe we caught this sandwich at a bad time. It looks more like ham meets garlic bread, you may think. You’re almost right. A slight glaze of garlic butter should be spread on the bread, then topped with ham, cheese, and paprika. Some will say 

Fried Bologna & Cheese on white

Fried Bologna & Cheese on white

The familiar flavor of bologna hits your taste buds. And yet, it’s different this time. It’s warm, crispy on the edges. There’s cheese in the mix, too. There’s no confusion: we’re not aiming for health. But the lighting in this place isn’t the only thing 

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

From darkness you wake, nose first, to the scent of bacon frying on the stove. What kind of magical visitor has come to your home? Surely there is no Breakfast Fairy, but if there were, she would be flying just above the stove, moving between 

Grilled Cheese and Bacon on white

Grilled Cheese and Bacon on white

You just might need a crane to lift the weight of this epic sandwich. After frying bacon in a pan, drop in a piece of bread and let the excess grease coat it for grilling. Toss on a mix of cheddar and American cheese, pile 

Eggplant Parmesan on bread thin

Eggplant Parmesan on bread thin

For a second week in a row, we explore the healthy side of sandwich. In terms of texture, eggplant Parmesan is a distant cousin to its chicken counterpart. It’s veggie-only recipe can be livened up with pimento peppers, fresh basil, and cheese. No frying necessary. 

Chicken Parmesan on wheat bread thins

Chicken Parmesan on wheat bread thins

Ready for a fancy-yet-casual date night? Grab some breaded chicken and bake it up right. Dip the bread in oil so you can cook some flavor into it. As you combine the sauce and cheese atop the chicken, delight in your date’s pending excitement. Lastly, 

Video Portrait: Turkey and Cheese

Video Portrait: Turkey and Cheese

Video Portrait: Turkey & Cheese on Italian from SandwichPortraits on Vimeo. A first try at a video portrait, following some inspiration by Richard Phillips’ treatment of Lindsay Lohan. Much like Lohan, we had to start with a classic sandwich next door that has a bit 

Chicken Breast on whole wheat bun

Chicken Breast on whole wheat bun

Too plain? Don’t hate. Sometimes you have to go big– pile on the veggies, spices, and condiments– but sometimes you’re in a hurry. What are you going to do? Bake up a frozen piece of chicken and slap some cheese on top. There’s no shame 

Grilled Ham and Cheese on wheat

Grilled Ham and Cheese on wheat

Each hot sandwich is a slice of life. The problem is that they only stay warm for so long. Like our treasured moments, they don’t last forever and sometimes go away too quickly. The key is to enjoy them. Don’t rush through them and don’t 

Grilled Cheese and Tomato on wheat

Grilled Cheese and Tomato on wheat

Some things are just meant for each other– spaghetti and meatballs, liver and onions, and many would say grilled cheese and tomato. Not just any vegetable would work in this sandwich– lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers all fall short. But the tomato works perfectly. As the cheese melts