Tag: american cheese

Grilled Cheese on white

Grilled Cheese on white

American cheese mixes with the flavor of butter, grilled into white bread perfection. What better sandwich to accompany a set of crayons and coloring book on a cold, rainy day? Let the gooey cheese warm you and take you back to more innocent times– when 

Turkey & Cheese with Avocado and Cilantro on sourdough

Turkey & Cheese with Avocado and Cilantro on sourdough

Lush with layers of flavor, each one fighting to reign supreme, this sandwich is not for the casual eater. The subtle tang of sourdough bread, surprises you, and the cilantro keeps it going. The dry, thickness of provolone bears down on you, trying to mute 

Tomato and Cheese on everything bagel

Tomato and Cheese on everything bagel

Take a glimpse over the edge and you’ll see it all– everything. Take a bite out of the Everything bagel, and you’ll feel it all, too. The spice of whole grain mustard, the crisp juiciness of tomato, and the soft comfort of cheese all mix 

Cheeseburger – Happy Birthday America

Cheeseburger – Happy Birthday America

You might be a vegetarian, stopping by to browse some Nutella or peanut butter sandwiches, but the cheeseburger stands as strong as America herself. It’s rarely healthy, a source of obesity, and the result of questionable farming practices. Welcome to America, where it’s your right 

Turkey Club on white

Turkey Club on white

The Turkey Club on white– layers of bread, lettuce, bacon, tomato, and mayonnaise. With all those layers, there’s something for everyone. The toasted bread crisps apart as you bite into the double-decker sandwich, on your way to the guilty bacon, ripe tomato, healthy romaine, and