Tag: carrots

Grilled Vegetables on whole grain

Grilled Vegetables on whole grain

Work with what you have when it comes time to make a sandwich. That’s what we did here. We pulled the vegetable salad mixture that makes up a healthier lunch option and mutated it into a cheesy, buttery delight. Grilling the raw vegetables ahead of 

Carrot Burger on hamburger bun

Carrot Burger on hamburger bun

Two years into this site, I became obsessed with making a carrot-based sandwich. Obsessed is definitely too strong a word. Interested? Yeah. So I tried it once, and it was okay. But this is what I really wanted to do– take shredded carrot, egg, and 

Carrot and Spinach on Italian

Carrot and Spinach on Italian

This sandwich features diced carrots, chopped even finer and held together with light mayo and seasoned with black pepper. It spreads well on the Italian bread, making the overall sandwich earthier with the addition of spinach leaves. It’s a light summer treat to get you