Tag: egg

Green eggs on sandwich thin

Green eggs on sandwich thin

What do you do with all those dyed eggs? Make green eggs for breakfast. Bread thins are perfect for breakfast sandwiches because of their packed nutrition in such a thin piece of bread. For this selection, you get the carbs of bread and the protein 

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

From darkness you wake, nose first, to the scent of bacon frying on the stove. What kind of magical visitor has come to your home? Surely there is no Breakfast Fairy, but if there were, she would be flying just above the stove, moving between 

Spinach and Egg on whole grain toast

Spinach and Egg on whole grain toast

Who knew that morning could be so healthy and wholesome, yet so rich and flavorful? A sandwich for breakfast can cause a revelation and sometimes revolution. Whole grain toast, spinach, and egg are topped with turkey bacon and a sprinkling of feta to create a 

Egg on whole wheat English muffin

Egg on whole wheat English muffin

How do you start your day? Are you in too much of a rush to enjoy the appetizing activity of building a sandwich? As with all good things, it takes time. Scramble an egg and toast an English muffin– you will not be disappointed. Protein,