Tag: bagel

Chicken on green bagel

Chicken on green bagel

May the glass rise to meet your lips,May your bagels always be green.May your chicken be crisp on the edges,The ketchup tickle your taste buds.And until we meet again,May you hold sandwich in your belly. Green bagels taste like regular bagels! Who knew?? We do 

Turkey on bagel

Turkey on bagel

As we move way past Thanksgiving, let’s think about the things we would have posted if we kept up with things. Just like you revisit the things you’re thankful for, we’ll revisit the ghosts of sandwiches from an alternate timeline, like this honey mustard kissed 

Cheesy Chia Seed Scramble on bagel

Cheesy Chia Seed Scramble on bagel

It’s early, and you need energy. Skip the shortcuts and make a wholesome meal of scrambled eggs, stretchy provolone, and nutrient-rich chia seeds. You may not be surprised at how delicious this sandwich is, but you will be about how much energy you’ll have after 

Hot Ham & Cheese on bagel

Hot Ham & Cheese on bagel

The full name is actually Inside Out Grilled Hot Ham and Cheese on Very Berry Bagel, but that’s a mouthful– HA! Well, it’s wintery out there (January and all) so warm comfort foods battle the treadmill and gym memberships for all of us. We’re keeping 

Lox on wheat bagel

Lox on wheat bagel

On a hot day, sometimes you need to cool off with something light and refreshing, but let’s say healthy, too. Enter lox. This deli and brunch favorite will kick start your day, but also make you feel light and easy. Smoked salmon combines with onion 

Egg and bacon on wheat bagel

Egg and bacon on wheat bagel

Morning is upon us. All the leftover Easter and Passover eggs can now be used for food. Crack and scramble those embryos and get cooking. Fluffy scrambled eggs add a nice dose of protein and texture to an otherwise lifeless, half-healthy bagel. Wheat is a 

Egg and Sausage on plain bagel

Egg and Sausage on plain bagel

It may not be the prettiest, but neither are you in the morning. One trip to Dunkin Donuts can begin your beautification. A safe start, this protein-heavy egg and sausage meet on a plain bagel in a dull way. That’s on-purpose. You don’t need a 

Turkey Sausage and Egg on plain bagel

Turkey Sausage and Egg on plain bagel

What better way to start the day? A couple scrambled eggs, a couple tiny discs of turkey sausage. Cook them up and put them on a freshly sliced bagel. Toast it if you want, but we like the softness of the bagel as we bite 

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

Cheese Omelet and Bacon on plain bagel

From darkness you wake, nose first, to the scent of bacon frying on the stove. What kind of magical visitor has come to your home? Surely there is no Breakfast Fairy, but if there were, she would be flying just above the stove, moving between 

Pork Roll on plain bagel

Pork Roll on plain bagel

Pork roll is a seemingly classless meat with little respect or reputation on the meat market. But don’t judge a book by its reviews. Read it for yourself. Or eat it. The meat, fried on a stove top in its own greasy juices, is shaped